Church Calendar

Date Period Location Name Description
-Main Hall and Meeting RoomYouth GroupSchool Years 4-8
-Meeting RoomLent groupSmall Groups
-zoom.usSunday PrayersSmall Groups - (also Mon-Sat 9:15-9:30am)
-Main Church BuildingMusic Group
-zoom.usGathered WorshipCommunion service, Zoom and in the church building. Gathering into one (John 11:45-57)
-Main Hall and Meeting RoomValue BuildersSunday School activities for primary and secondary school children
-Main Church BuildingCafe ChurchSmall Groups with Coffee/Tea from 6pm
-School Holidays
-zoom.usDeacons Meeting
-Main HallGrace CafeCommunity Groups
-zoom.usOasis House GroupSmall Groups
-Main Hall and Meeting RoomFriday FriendsCommunity Groups
-Meeting RoomLent groupSmall Groups
-zoom.usSunday PrayersSmall Groups - (also Mon-Sat 9:15-9:30am)
-Main Church BuildingMusic Group
-zoom.usGathered WorshipMorning Service, Zoom and in the church building. Anoint with perfume (John 12:1-11)
-Main Hall and Meeting RoomValue BuildersSunday School activities for primary and secondary school children
-Main HallBoard Games Social
-Main Church BuildingCafe ChurchSmall Groups with Coffee/Tea from 6pm
-Main HallGrace CafeCommunity Groups
-zoom.usOasis House GroupSmall Groups
-Main HallPassover Communion Meal[Easter] Zoom and in the Family Centre
-Good Friday
-Starts at St Andrew's ChurchGood Friday Walk of Witness[Easter]
-zoom.usReading and hymns for Good Friday[Easter]: Friday Friends Community Group. Zoom and Main Church Building
-Main Church BuildingCommunity Choir Easter[Easter]
-Cherry Hinton Care Home (369 CH Road)Songs for Good Friday and Easter
-Easter Sunday
-zoom.usSunday PrayersSmall Groups - (also Mon-Sat 9:15-9:30am)
-Main Church BuildingMusic Group