Community Activities

Our church community seeks to love God and love our Neighbours. We therefore try to serve the needs of our neighbourhood through activities that foster good relationships, which seek to be truthful, generous, kind, trusting, joyful and forgiving. This focus is based on what the church believes about God.  However, our community activities are open to all, whatever their beliefs.

Date Period Location Title Description
-Main Church buildingCommunity ChoirCommunity Groups
-Family Centre Main Hall and Meeting RoomMessy PlayChurch’s Community Groups.
-Main Church BuildingGrace CafeCommunity Groups
-Main Church BuildingFriday FriendsCommunity Groups - Singer!
-Main Church buildingCommunity ChoirCommunity Groups
-Family Centre Main Hall and Meeting RoomMessy PlayChurch’s Community Groups.
-Main Church BuildingGrace CafeCommunity Groups
-Main Church buildingCommunity ChoirCommunity Groups
-Family Centre Main Hall and Meeting RoomMessy PlayChurch’s Community Groups.
-Main Church BuildingGrace CafeCommunity Groups