Centro de la familia > Page content: Family Centre Online Booking

  • Actual The Organiser
  • The Booking
  • User Charges
  • Terms
  • Review Request
  • Completo
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This form is used to make a booking enquiry for the Family Centre. Before using it, please read the booking terms and conditions. The key issue is that you agree to leave the room(s) as you find them, allowing for setup up and clear up time in your booking. 

Then please read the instructions on general availability, and refer to the diary to locate an unbooked period, and then proceed with registering your booking enquiry with the form below.

Information given is used in order to facilitate your use of the Family Centre. It is not used for any other purpose - see our privacy policy.

  • Requests for bookings should be made at least 4 days before the booking.
  • Requests for one-off bookings in the school holidays should be made during term time


Organiser Contact
Details of the event organiser.
The name of the person responsible for the booking.
The name of the organisation arranging this event, if any.
Mobile number of the organiser with "-" in the middle 07xxx-xxxxxx
Optional contact address of the organiser.
The postcode for this address.